Saturday, February 28, 2015

I am in the midst of a Leadership class as part of my degree.  Last night, I had to complete an
assignment.  Here was the first question.

Assignment 2: Building Trust, Leveraging Diversity, and Strengthening Others
February 27, 2015

Part A: Building, Maintaining, and Regaining Trust

How do I inspire trust? (16 marks)
Let me briefly tell the story of who I am. I am a 35 year old mother of two young girls, who juggles a part time paramedic (and acting supervisor) career, a sole proprietor holistic nutrition consulting business, a university student schedule, and an ultra trail running training/racing schedule.  How do I do it?  With the right support system, and impeccable time management, I am able to do all of the above exceptionally well.  What I take away from all of experience is what I truly value the most: inspiration and trust.  I’ve been told that I inspire others.  I am sincere and have established the trust of friends, family, patients, co-workers, clients, and fellow athletes/competitors.  What’s my secret?  I take the time with each and every person that I can.  I listen and thus gain their confidence and trust.  I am honest and express my views through one-on-one talk, group talk, seminars and social media.  I work with sound ethics, integrity and am consistent with my words and actions.  I lead by example and follow up with my commitments.  
(I have this letter from a friend that I keep to remind me of the person I am:

Words cannot describe what an inspirational individual you are for me.  You are the most beautifully determined girl and I feel truly blessed to be your friend.  You give unconditionally, selflessly and whole heartily. What you do for those around you defines your true character.  Your personal determination and mental fortitude will take you anywhere you can dream, if you first believe.” )

I really like this class cause it forces me to take moments and look internally. I really do like the person I have  'grown up' to be :)  I am so fortunate to have such wonderful friends, family and extended family. #feelinggrateful

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